Doc: "Oh hello stranger, behold for I am doctor."
Syb: "Show me wallet."
Doc: -coughs nervously- "It's in my other glam."
Syb: "Fine w/e I'll date you"
Doc: "heckin sweet ass"
Syb: "Excuse me?"
Doc:"Said you got some sass"
And so they partied... Syb realized Doc was hilarious and full of chutzpah.
Doc realized he had no money, was not in fact a doctor, and entirely full of shit, but damn he liked this girl.
Everything seemed perfect until one day...
Syb: "Babe I need to borrow 20 gil for glam"
Doc: "Funny story... Im not doctor, I have no gil and I owe the clone mafia a shit ton"
Syb: -Angry Stare-
Syb reported Doc for being full of shit and demanded a ban.
Doc explained that "skibidi rizz toilet ohio" to the GM and they understood because GM's are heckin hopped up jackasses. (jk I love you don't ban me)
But Doc promised to take care of his debts and make things right with Syb.
Syb: "Which one of you mafia clone catboi hotties has most moneyz?"
Doc heckin killed em all in a perfectly reasonable response.
Doc: I messed up. My bad. Here's a Corgi I stole off some dead guy.
Syb: I love corgis! Even during mass murder you were thinking of me. -swoon-
Syb: "Marry me dumbass."
Doc: "Fuck yeah"
And then they lived happily ever after at Pillar 1 Garden Plot 1 Limsa. Doc still has no money. Syb doesn't care. She made a killing raising corgi puppies.
Thx for reading this work of fiction and silly shit. I didn't know what else to get you. Happy valentines day, love you more everyday. <3
Alright it's over get out of here.
Damn you cute. rawr. <3